samedi 16 août 2014

The Seaside Tourism

The Seaside Tourism 

The generosity of the shores of Neptune 
Tunisian coasts offer a friendly environment and varied to relax or get away. 

Like a ship's prow, Tunisia splits the Mediterranean to the northern tip of Africa. Scalloped beaches along which totaled agglomerations holiday dedicated to the Tunisian coasts offer a friendly environment to relax and varied, partying with friends or get away. With over 1,300 km of coastline, 600 beaches, Tunisia offers a special setting for beach holidays. Nothing d'étonnant that hotels have flourished on its coastline, turning old fishing villages in fashionable resorts or creating vast leisure complex where there was only sand in the eye. Djerba in Tabarka, the coastal landscape was modeled as a function of the increasing influx of tourists. 

Currently, more than 7 million tourists who visit Tunisia each year, or the equivalent of half the population. Varied, the accommodation ranges from simple residential hotel to five-star luxury establishment, through clubs and apartments in timeshare. This allows everyone to find an address corresponding to their wishes, that one is fond of water sports, fitness or lounging on the beach. 
Based on its history and development, each resort offers a specific face. In Djerba for example, hotels are trying to replicate the architecture of the villages of the island by focusing on low with rounded structures. These are the famous menzels that still there are few, were the only buildings djerbiens. These vaulted roofs with square or domed houses display walls in dazzling white. Traditionally, the only opening of the houses is made by the door, but sometimes there are also protected by grills d'étroites windows. Of course, hotels have adapted this somewhat austere architecture wishes Reviews: large windows, balconies or terraces mostly on green islands. And so-called first position establishments are feet in the water at the edge of neatly manicured beaches.

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